Member Empowerment
Care1st Health Plan Arizona (Care1st) believes that our members play an important role in their health and well-being. However, finding your way around the healthcare system can be hard. You might need a little extra help using your healthcare benefits and services. We have put together this page to help you be your own health advocate.

Care1st has these tips for you:
- Attend Member Orientation.
- Understand how your health insurance works
Many people do not understand the basics of their healthcare benefits. This is ok because the healthcare system is complicated. A good place to start is by attending Member Orientation and reading the Care1st Member Handbook, which can help you learn how to use your Care1st healthcare benefits. Review Your Roadmap to Better Health and a Better You! (PDF) for tips. - Ask Questions using Ask Me 3® (PDF)
Are you nervous to ask your provider questions? Don’t be. You may be surprised to learn that your provider wants to know when you need help or more information. They want you to know:- All you can about your health or condition.
- Why their instructions are important for your health.
- Steps to take to keep you healthy and manage health conditions.
- Need Non-Emergency Medical Transportation?
Refer to these flyers for more information.
- Information is Power!
View the Get the Most from Your Coverage page to find tools and tips to help you be your own health advocate!
Member Advocacy
Care1st wants to transform the member experience by:
- Engaging and empowering members to create healthy habits
- Supporting community organizations that address socioeconomic conditions for our members
Reach out to our Advocates team to learn more by emailing:!